I've clocked why the main subreddit hates this patch
This is just an outlandish theory and I'm probably wrong (I'm spot on)
Despite having the smallest amount of characters, reddit is mostly populated by support mains. Look at the Mains subreddit. Lucio, Ana, Mercy, have like 30k + each. Zen has 19K. Kiriko has 10k. They dwarf Tanks and DPS who's highest is Rein with 20k and Genji with 19k. If you look up Support in the search bar on that sub, it's them patting themselves on the back about how hard it is and how much the DPS suck. If you look up DPS, it's supports talking about how much DPS suck. You get my drift.
Look at the last meta. It was firm poke. Bastion wouldn't die. Sigma wouldn't die. Supports wouldn't die. They loved that shit. How many times did someone upload a clip to the main sub of mfers just not dying to shit that should have evaporated them, only for the comments to say "skill issue 💅🏽💅🏽"
Now we're in a dive meta and with the passive, things do die! The supports actually have to participate in fight now! That healbotting Kiriko has to actually play aggressive to contribute with either damage or utility, meaning she can actually be punished for her mistakes now.
They don't like that shit, at all. It's bad. Ana has to nade defensively to keep her team up, LW can't just press one button all game and undo literally all the damage the that's being put into his team, Brigitte's who think she's a mini Reinhardt get their shit kicked in. Moira can't heal the entire team up to full with one blasted orb. Anytime Dive is meta, aka, anytime the game is good, supports hate it. Anytime Tracer is viable, aka, you can't just hide behind tank and shoot, it's a nightmare.
Now tanks, they probably have a bit more of a reason to have a gripe with the game. I say we just buff Rein and call it a day LOL who tf cares if Mauga and Hog are unplayable.