Tanks should have agency, and nerfing the DPS passive would be a step in the opposite direction
I've seen a handful of people proposing a nerf to the DPS passive or giving tanks resistance to it. The sentiment is understandable, since Rein is absolute doodoo asscheeks right now, but I think these people are glossing over an extremely important context this change: for the longest time, tanks like Rein have not had much agency over their own survival, and the DPS passive creates the perfect window to change that.
Playing Rein is essentially handing your life over to your supports and trusting that they will babysit the shit out of you over the course of the match. How you play still matters, of course - the difference between a feeding Rein and a smart Rein is night and day - but wins and losses ultimately depend on having insane enough healing to compensate for the insane amount of damage you take when you drop shield. A well-supported Rein absolutely fucks (at least, until this patch), and a poorly-supported Rein crumbles like paper.
With the impact of healing on fights being significantly lessened, the gap has been closed. Now Rein crumbles like paper regardless of whether his supports are loading heals into his ass or not, but it's the perfect chance to think about how this can be flipped - how can tanks like Rein be made strong without having to depend on unreal healing? A Rein with faster swings (thus reducing the amount of time he has to drop shield) or no speed penalty while shielding would have been terrifying while he was being constantly healed at an effective rate of 150 HP/s, but now I think changes like that would go a long way towards making him feel strong on his own, as he should.
Above all else, I think the mentality that tanks can only be made stronger by relying on other players has severely limited constructive discussion about the role. Plenty of people still call for a return to 6v6 without considering that 6v6 required tanks to rely on their other tank to cover their weaknesses - good luck getting anything done when your rando teammate inevitably locks Hog. Likewise, people calling for a nerf to the DPS passive are essentially throwing in the towel and declaring, "I can't think of any way to make these heroes stronger besides having a dedicated healbot to rely on" - well, good luck when your supports aren't dedicated healbots, or, god forbid, lock Lucio/Mercy.
Tanks deserve to feel strong because of their own kits and gameplay, not because some Ana or LW halfway across the map is pumping heals into their ass, and now is the perfect opportunity for the tanks that struggle without giga heals to have that compensated for in their kits.