Passed Security+ and Network+ in a month (reposted)

Just passed the Security+ literally a 4 ago and the Network+ 2 weeks ago and lemme just say out of the 3 pba's (reposted didn’t mean to put to much info sorry mods )

Another thing is that the Exam i dont want to say it was easy but at the same time i dont want to say it was hard. About half way through the exam I was thinking to myself how fcked i was and thought i was going to fail, but then i remember literally reading somebody saying the same thing in this subreddit a couple hours ago and they ended up passing so i tried to keep my head up by the time i go to the end i had about 35% of the exam flagged for review with about 30 minutes to spare to go back and check my answers.

Some people might not agree and find it weird but i pray before and after each CompTIA exam i take as i try to consider myself as a very spiritual individual, but i told the lord that if i am to pass or fail either way i believe in his plan but if i pass then i will be studying my but off for my next certification as i believe in his plan.

Geez kind of rambled on but i just want to say to anyone that no matter what u think or what ur going through as long as u put the time in and dedicate yourself to a goal as long as you dont let anything come between you and that goal you can accomplish anything.

I work full time and go to school full time, well for the most part these last 2 weeks i been skipping school to study for this exam, so when i go back to school ne week i got some good and bad news for my guidar. counselor😂