I did it! 7 certs in one year!

Experience: SOC analyst for 1.5 years.

Applied Science Associates in Cybersecurity

Applied Science Associates in Networking

Today I passed Pentest+ 003 which was my final cert I needed for my WGU curriculum and marked my final cert for the year. I began my college career at WGU Feb of this year and had set a goal to obtain all 6 of the certs in the program by the end of the year. I knew in my mind that was a reach especially because at the time I had no certs to my name so I wasn't sure what to expect. In addition to those 6 I had to add a 7th cert that was being required for my role at work. Below I will list the certs in order that I obtained them.

A+ 220-1101/1102 Passed first attempt (Dion Training) WGU

Net+ -008 Passed first attempt (Dion Training) WGU

AZ-104 Azure Administrator Associate Passed first attempt (Various sources of material) Required for work

Sec+ -701 Passed first attempt (Dion Training) WGU

SSCP Isc2 Passed first attempt (All in one SSCP by Darril Gibson) WGU

CySA+ -003 Passed first attempt (Dion Training) WGU

Pentest+ -003 Passed first attempt (Dion Training) WGU

Realistically I know I was only able to pass all these in one year due to the knowledge and practice I had put in the previous 4 years. I did not learn all of this material in a single year and I think its important to emphasize that. The A+,Net+,Sec+ were long overdue. The CySA+ and Pentest+ came somewhat easy because of my job and all the time I've spent on TryHackMe. Funny enough I felt the Pentest+ was the easiest only due to the hours and hours of head scratching I had spent on TryHackMe's CTFs in the previous months. I never really took the time to celebrate any of these because it was always onto the next but I am really proud of myself for achieving this. Happy New Years everyone.