I don't think I can afford college
I was planning on going to my state university but I filled out FAFSA and I wouldn't be getting any grants or that much loans. :(
My stepmom makes a lot of money but we don't exactly have the best relationship so I wouldn't be getting any help from her. My mom is broke and my dad isn't exactly in my life. My mom gives me a couple hundred for food each month and my stepmom pays for shelter but other than that I'm on my own. Why do I have to put my stepmom on FAFSA when she doesn't contribute anything other than rent to my life? obviously I've very very grateful for her letting me have a roof over my head, it just feels a lil unfair.
I don't know, I just feel like I had so much planned out. I was so excited to finally get out of the situation I'm in, but now I feel like I'll be stuck miserable for another couple years. I'm thinking my best bet is working part time whilst going to a community college for two years and then transferring? is that not as bad as I'm thinking? I'm just lonely man
am I just being stupid and privileged? be honest 😭
TLDR I don't think I can afford college. please give me advice and assure me it's not the end of my life 😭