Feeling disconnected from friends!
Lately, I’ve been feeling disconnected from my friends, especially after our recent two-week trip. It seems like everyone has found another best friend, and that person is never me. Don’t get me wrong—I genuinely enjoy solitude and am very comfortable being alone. But during a trip, where being alone isn’t really an option, I don’t just feel alone—I feel lonely.
I started noticing this more when even my simplest requests weren’t considered. For example, I’m uncomfortable sleeping in the side lower berth, so I asked if I could switch, but the answer was a quick “No.” Later, when I had already set up my bed and was about to sleep, someone else offered the same switch to another person. I refused and said it was fine, but it made me feel even more distant.
Whenever I feel disconnected or sidelined, I usually go to a side seat, put on some music, and sit alone. I don’t know if that’s what’s bothering them, but it’s just how I cope. A part of me is also questioning if there’s something wrong with me, if I’m not doing things right. I don’t know.
Now, I’m unsure what to do. Should I try to socialize more and engage with them, or should I just focus on doing my own thing?