Happy valentine's day to y'all! 💕

You all spread so much love, without even actively noticing it. You give so much love out in so many ways and forms. I'll note down some of them below and even if one of them applies to you, you deserve to buy a chocolate for yourself on this valentine's day as a token of appreciation for spreading love. You need to do this as I am not able to do this for you😅 anyway getting to the points now:

  • Parents
  • Siblings
  • Friends
  • Neighbours
  • Pets
  • Stray animals
  • Birds
  • Butterflies and similar insects
  • Nature (Trees, plants, water forms, etc.,)
  • Bikes or any vehicle (vehicle is the first love for many)
  • Appreciated someone genuinely
  • Gave gifts to anyone (no matter how small or big)
  • Helped someone cross roads
  • Gave up seat on bus or train for someone because you thought they deserved it more
  • donated something to someone (in cash or in any form)
  • Played with kids
  • Helped a homeless person
  • Fed a stray animal
  • Listened to someone's rants without judging
  • Smiled at a stranger
  • Turned someone's sad tears to laughter tears
  • Helped your friends pass exams (before or even during exams 😉)
  • Controlled your anger as you don't want to bash out on your loved one
  • Helped someone when they were sick
  • Spread a kind word to someone (online or offline)

This is just a small list but I'm sure you'd done more. You spread love irrespective of your relationship status. Romantic love comes halfway and who knows, might even leave halfway but that doesn't mean there's no love in our lives, for love is within us and around us and will always be with us. Thank you for being who you are and spreading love in the ways you can. I send so much love to you, Happy valentine's day and keep spreading love! 💖

P.S. Don't forget to buy a chocolate for yourself 😉❤