Claude Plays Pokémon - Megathread

Watch the stream here


  • Sand (Pidgeotto) - 33 - Gust, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Wing Attack
  • Sprou (Venusaur) - 34 - Razor Leaf, Poison Powder, Leech Seed, Cut
  • Puff (Jigglypuff) - 19 - Sing, Body Slam, Disable, Defense Curl

Inventory (19/20): ₽32.208; 3 Ethers, 2 Antidotes, 1 Rare Candy, HP Up, Nugget; TM01 Mega Punch, TM11 BubbleBeam, TM12 Water Gun, TM24 Thunderbolt, TM28 Dig, TM34 Bide, TM44 Rest, TM45 Thunder Wave; HM01 Cut; Town Map, Dome Fossil, S. S. Ticket, Old Rod, Bicycle; Badges (🪨, 💧, ⚡)


  • (Optional) Obtain HM05 Flash along Route 2 (passing through Diglett's Cave)
    • Requires 10 Pokémon registered in the Pokédex (Current: 6/10)
      • Requires eliminating at least 1 thing from inventory then buying Poké Balls
      • Can catch 4 or evolve Sand to Pidgeot at level 36 then catch 3 more
    • Used to illuminate Rock Tunnel, connection from Route 10 to Lavender Town, but Claude's navigation tool may be enough
  • Use Cut to access Route 9
    • Jr. Trainer♀ (A)
    • (Optional) Hiker (B)
    • (Optional) Jr. Trainer♂ (C)
    • (Optional) Bug Catcher (D)
    • (Optional) Hiker (E)
    • (Optional) Bug Catcher (F)
    • (Optional) Jr. Trainer♂ (G)
    • (Optional) Hiker (H)
    • (Optional) Jr. Trainer♀ (I)
    • Items: TM30 Teleport, (Secret) Ether
  • Continue to Route 10
    • (Optional) Jr. Trainer♀ (A)
    • (Secret) Super Potion
    • Heal at Pokémon Center
  • Enter Rock Tunnel with or without Flash


  • Why did we reset? Claude believed he had gone through the trashed house and was stuck looping in search of the underground passage. The majority polled in favor of reset which happened on March 4th.
  • How are we doing compared to previous run? Check the previous thread here!
  • Can we view the Knowledge Base or Memory Files? Only when they pop up on screen. These are not otherwise shared.
  • What is Critique Claude? Upon context cleaning there is an API call to another Claude instance that provides a critique of Claude's memories and plans. Sometimes this helps and sometimes it hurts. Please see the visual explainer in the side bar for details.

Please reply to my daily Progress Update comments to keep the thread clean. Thank you!