Cards that deserve an evo

Evo Giant: (Boxer Giant) can defend himself on his way to the tower

Evo Witch: Can summon an army of skeletons rather than 4

Evo Healer: Drains HP from opponents within her aura to heal herself and allies

Evo Rascals: He gets armor and a sword while they give a knock back effect with each stone they shoot at opponents

Evo Bandit: Basically what Golden Knight does

Evo Magic Archer: Shoots 3 arrows (either consecutively or simultaneously)

Evo Tornado: Larger range and lasts longer

Evo Void Spell: Opens a black hole and sucks troops inside instantly killing them

Evo Cannon Kart: Cannoneer (as in the tower troop) sits on its back and defends it from anyone attacking around it