[RECRUITING] Emerald Glory | TH12+ | Clan Level 10 | Clan War/CWL/Clan Capital/Social | #2QRCLQJVO
We're on the rise and like to war constantly.
We’ve won 29 of our last 30 wars and are getting close to surpassing our recently toppled 16 war win streak. We're a clan of TH11-13 players that enjoy helping each other grow our skills and win wars together.
Our Clan level is 10, Capital Peak level 8. We're looking for new active TH12+ members to help grow our clan and make the push from Crystal 2 to 1 this coming CWL.
We offer:
-Experienced members happy to guide others in learning new strategies -Guaranteed max clan games every month -Over 1k raid medals each week -An active clan committed to back-to-back war wins
If this sounds like a clan for you, join us at #2QRCLQJVO