I really don't get the hate that this game is getting
I'll preface this by saying 2 things.
I'm a console player and it seems like a lot of criticism is based around the game being more geared towards consoles than ever before
I'm still a noob in the sense that I've only ever played Civ Revolution way back when, Civ 6 and now Civ 7
I bought the game a few days ago after reading absolutely everything there was to read about it. All I saw was negative review after negative review and I just really needed to see what it was all about. After playing for around 30ish hours, I really don't know what everyone is so pissed off about.
There are absolutely things about the game currently that are irritating (mainly the lack of explanation for a lot of mechanics) but the positives absolutely outweigh the negatives. I'll list a few of my favorite things below
NO MORE BUILDERS!!! I can't express how much more enjoyable the game is now that I don't have to waste 50% of my time creating and then using Builders. It's amazing.
The new Influence system is a massive upgrade over 6. It actually feels like I am building relationships with other civs.
Army Commanders and Fleet Commanders make it so much easier and more intuitive to move units across the map when I'm trying to wipe out the civs that I'm at war with (seriously fuck you Xerxes)
Separating the game into different Ages makes it easier and less of a slog to actually get to the end of my playthrough
Overall, I think the game is great and that the horde of negative reviews is a result of the reddit hive mind deciding what people should like and what they shouldn't like.
What do y'all think?