Question to any student smokers

Observation: I noticed that when studying for extended durations the frequency of my cigarette cravings is essentially tripled. Normally, I only smoke every 3 hours or so. When studying, it's more like every 45 minutes. This made me kind of curious. Thus, I'm trying to distinguish if this is physiological or phycological. Dr. Google says studying, or just deep thinking in general, depletes/consumes choline. (Context: the body naturally converts choline into acetyl choline. Nicotine is an analog for acetylcholine, which is a primary driver of day-to-day brain function). I didn't find any literature on this but I'm assuming it's adjacent to how oxidative stress from cigarettes uses up Vit C, incentivizing greater Vit C intake to make up for it. Anyway, the more barebones idea is that smoking while reading makes reading more enjoyable. Tbh, I find the latter more plausible. Either way, a placebo effect is still an effect, so I'll take it.

So, have you guys noticed that same thing? Do you smoke more when studying? Do you suspect an inherent reason? lmk yall