How is the quality of the cigarettes in your country?
So I live in Turkey and I have started my lung cancer journey at the start of this year when I turned 18 and been smoking ever since then. But the thing is that I feel like the ciggies I've been smoking (particularly Marlboro reds) going down in quality every time I purchase a pack. And this by no means is a mental thing, I want to think that this the result of a law that took place in the council which prohibits any use of flavored tobacco whether its in the tobacco itself or on the paper, anything. To support my case I was talking one of my uncs in a wedding while having a smoke and he said that the Parliament that he loves so much had a fucking wood clip in it. Like that is just blasphemy. Not to mention that the cigarette prices been going uphill like they have no shame.
Does your have a similar case? If so how do you cope with it? I know that duty free shops exists but man they are so expensive (Why the fuck would you sell your products with EURO to begin with?)
Oh also fuck simple packing.