My Experience with Chuckle Sandwich as a long time viewer
When the podcast started I was in a really tough place mentally. I had been fans of YouTubers like Schlatt, Ted, and Slimecicle for years before this and their content was always there for me when I needed a laugh or wanted to forget my troubles. When I saw they were starting a podcast together, I made a pact to watch every episode no matter what. I wasn't forcing myself to, I genuinely wanted to, but I wanted to stay consistent with something that I knew would help me feel grounded. Now honestly at the time I expected Chuckle Sandwich to be yet another podcast that gets a decent handful of episodes made, and then eventually dies out just like so many others do. Boy was I wrong, and I couldn't be more grateful.
I stuck to my promise and never missed an episode over the past 4 years. I watched some of my favorite creators grow through comedy and I was an absolute blast of a ride. The vibe of the podcast always felt so weird to me in the best way possible. You can tell that a lot of this show is very impromptu, which gives it an authentic feeling that not a lot of other podcasts have to me. Some of my favorite episodes of Chuckle are when they don't have a plan, it feels like just hanging out which really helped me feel at ease in hard times. That being said though, I think the Chuckle Dungeons, Mr. Sark, and Markiplier episodes (just to name a few) are absolute masterpieces and super creative.
When Charlie eventually left and they brought Tucker on, I was honestly a bit skeptical if I was going to continue enjoying it. Those worries quickly washed away though and I was so proud to watch a once nervous outsider join the show as a genuinely hilarious and sound-minded component.
Something I'll cherish forever is when I was actually featured in one of the episodes! The Speakpipe ones were so much fun and created great memories, and when I heard my name said on the pod I was ecstatic! If you're curious, I'm in the episode titled "Our Viewers Sent Us The Strangest Confessions..." at 1:01:44.
Watching the finale was bittersweet knowing it was the last time I would be fulfilling my promise to myself, and so many memories came flooding back: laying in a hotel bed as I put on the first episode, crying laughing in the back of a car on a road trip as I listened to Schlatt ask about a visual meter, confusing my friends with the unlimited bacon question, noticing Charlie's puns when the other hosts don't, loving the awkward tension of a guest episode when they get asked a question they don't know how to answer, all of it. I'm really going to miss Chuckle Sandwich, but I'm grateful I was along for the ride. Thanks for all the chuckles, I'll always be a fan!