Reoccurring and completely debilitating chest/trunk pain, Doctors are puzzled. Looking for suggestions for pain relief or possible diagnosis to look into.

5'2 & 1/2" , 27 year old Caucasian clinically obese female with history of:

Fibromyalgia, MPS, IBS, PCOS, severe ADHD, generalized anxiety disorder, undiagnosed depression, learning disabilities, personality disorders, moderate hearing loss since around the age of 16, wears glasses, undiagnosed GERD, hypermobility, seasonal and non seasonal allergies, eczema, chronic debilitating foot pain caused by a few minor conditions but the extent of the pain is also a mystery to doctors. Regular pain killers don't help at all

Medications and supplements:

Act Amphetamines, Duloxotine (for fibromyalgia and anxiety. Used to help for a few years and greatly reduced the frequency of flareups but no longer), Seasonesque (birth control), metformin, turmeric, digestive enzymes, magnesium, vitamin d and B12

I have been dealing with these completely debilitating flareups of chest pain/trunk pain for a few years now and both my primary care physicians (I switched when moving) and emergency room staff on 4 or 5 different occasions have not been able to explain or treat my pain.

I'm currently on government disability benefits for a number of my health issues but this debilitating pain is a major contributor as I'm essentially bedridden from the pain.

My symptoms:

Tightening/constricting/pressure in the upper trunk in the diaphragm area & around the ribcage.


Severe pressure pain in the sternum/breast bone area as if someone is pressing their elbow into the area with their whole body weight.


Pain occasionally radiates to the shoulderblades and occasionally to one arm.


Breathing is painful and thus I often am holding my breath to get a bit of relief, often occurring with bad IBS flareups and worsening/aching lower back pain and occasionally GERD.


Diaphragm is tender to pressure with multiple very sore pressure points to the extent of no longer able to wear a bra of any kind during flareups.


I have multiple MPS/Fibromyalgia related pressure points all over my body but especially in the upper chest area.


Greatly affecting my sleep and ability to get anything done as I'm bedridden and it can last several days to a week or more. Often is the worst or starts up during the evening


It can cause IBS and GERD flareups as well at the same time which sucks.


What has been ruled out:

. Gallbladder attack due to gallstones (no sign of inflammation), GERD, muscle injury/stain, any injury, clear chest xray.



The only source of even the tiniest relief is to have multiple large frozen gel packs against my entire trunk- directly pressed against my skin with a thin pillow over top and then a heavy book to apply pressure while laying down with a heating pad under lower back at the highest setting. I don't bother taking any pain killers because the only thing they seem to help me with is the occasional headache but for my chest pain or foot pain, they don't do a thing.


Please help me if you can. I'm tired of living like this and being in so much pain everyday. I struggle to get out of bed and get anything done. Even if I managed to get a job, I doubt they'd want to keep me if I keep having these flareups and thus, missing work.