Filled out my first form with “disabled” written as my occupation 😕

Had to fill out daycare forms for my son, I had a seizure for the first time three weeks ago and have had four since then, and just got back out the hospital. They think a lesion on my brain is causing it, but because I have a dorsal root ganglion stimulator in my spine there’s issues getting the MRI and blah blah blah. Always something?

But I’ve been a stay at home mom against my choice since getting a hematoma from my epidural that caused me to become paralyzed. Like, I’ve struggled parenting at home and I should be excited to have a better chance to heal while my son gets to be around new faces and play with kids his age instead of just me.

But I’m so heartbroken because I held out so much hope for so long now that I’d go back to work and thats why he’d be in daycare. But now that I’m seizing and he’s not old enough to help I can’t watch him and it just feels like a failure even though I logically know it’s not my fault and I can’t help it. I know this is best but holy shit it fucking sucks