I want to scream
I have been tachycardic for weeks! Constant heart pounding, chest pain, dizziness, almost passed out a few times
I CANT EVEN TAKE A FUCKING BATH! I pounds out of control!
I can’t roll over in bed
I can’t go to the bathroom without waking people up form crashing around because I’m dizzy form my heart rate.
And the stupid fucking cardiologist says it’s nothing, and that I can’t be having chest pain because women my age don’t have chest pain unless their diabetic pack a day smokers.
I can’t live my fucking life but he Dosent give a shit.
None of them give a shit.
He barely looked through the heart stuff my doctor sent over for 15 seconds barely flipped through it.
He literally told me it was NOTHING.
I can’t fucking live my life.
Fuck you cardiologist I don’t care if you just doing your job I’m so sick of being pushed asside like it’s nothing