I'm so angry I want to scream!
I've had mild POTS symptoms my whole life, but after catching Covid in 2021, it spiralled into a full blown thing. I now live with my parents because I can barely walk most days
My parents and sister are going to Hawaii for two weeks, leaving tonight, and I will be staying with my grandparents. I started getting a really horrible chest cough, which is a big red flag for me as that was a main symptom for both of the times I got Covid. I'm concerned that my sister may have brought it home from school, and if I do have it, I do not want to stay with my grandparents as they are both elderly and dealing with their own health issues. Also, my grandparents on the other side both have cancer, and my mom just spent two days with that grandma and I'll need to notify them.
I asked my mother if she could run to town to pick up a Covid test, because if I test positive I won't be going to my grandparents' and they will all need to take precautions. It ended up in an argument where she said 'no one even tests for covid anymore' and 'there's no point.' The thing that hurt me most was when she said that 'they say it's not worse than a cold or flu now'. How can she say that after what Covid did to me? She's watched me lose years of my life, my mobility, my cognitive functions and my independence. How can she say it's no worse than a cold? I'm so mad and hurt and don't know how to handle this.