Can we please stop automatically linking 'the weak and vulnerable' to old people?
I had a septoplasty for yesterday planned since August. Eventually when they called the day before to give me my specific hour, they told me it was a very busy planning and they would call me half an hour in advance IF it could still happen.
I waited at home, not eating, not drinking, not taking my usual daily meds to eventually be called to tell me the surgery had been canceled and got me in contact with someone to reschedule, which is now planned in the middle of March 2025.
I asked how it was possible that I got bumped of yesterday's planning when I had my appointment booked on the first day the schedule for that month was open and how I could prevent from getting bumped again in March. They told me that 'sorry, but if possible we make sure the older weak and vulnerable people get help first because it has less impact on a young person if they miss a couple of meals for just a day than it has on older people who are on meds and stuff. You should understand we prioritize these vulnerable people first, so that results in young people like you having to be a bit more patient.'
I asked her what about me, I'm immunocompromised, have a rheumatic condition that's barely under control, have asthma that's not under control because of previous lung infections that did long term damage, and have horrible chronic sinusitis that the doctor was only willing to write meds for because it was just 'for a couple of months anyway' Which 1. The septoplasty would actually help me get the sinusitis under control and would drastically help breathing through nose instead of mouth, preventing from getting massive asthma attacks in the winter due to cold air.
But mostly 2. Because of this surgery I had ignored all my body's signals to take it easy at work because I knew I was finishing up stuff in order to have 3 weeks of revalidation after, which I'm now not getting.
- Because of the surgery I hadn't been allowed to take my meds for the autoimmune disease, the rheumatic condition, IBS, allergies and asthma in advance. Missing those meds was a one time issue knowing my nose would be fixed. But now I'm having a massive backlash, a gigantic flare up of everything together. While not getting any rest either, for absolutely nothing.
And her answer was 'oh... If we had known you were immunocompromised and it was actually urgent we would've squeezed you in between instead of some other people'. As if that makes it better because it was too late anyway, and it's not like I go to just the one hospital to see all my specialists and they actually have everything about my conditions on file...