Looking for former Wonderbreads or House of Voodoo pilots!!!


Came across a very old grainy YouTube video of the House of Voodoo featuring myself ( xC3xHOUND Kill) playing against the Wonder breads at South Semi oil fields. I was a notorious troll that would run a 12 stack grenade flower on treads to strip weapons while my team cleaned up. We actually lost this match but I know the House of Voodoo and the Wonder breads had her really fun time playing against each other even in just some private matches.

I remember applying to be The Wonder breads officially but one of the old Chroma hounds forms It came to light that I "disconnected" during a match because I was being based dialed by a triple double so I was denied

I love the fact that I'm 31 and I still have these vivid memories of being 14 playing this game because nothing has ever comes to the fun I had with this multiplayer.