How do I use the power of the dragon?

In Revelation, it mentions the dragon lending its power to human beings, and the human beings becoming snake, sea-serpant dragon-like, and gaining wealth and power from the dragon. This theme is continuous throughout the Bible, from Goliath having scale like armor to Nebuchadnezzar being described as a dragon.

As someone who believes that the Bible is the infallible word of God, I am curious if you guys have any suggestions on how to gain power from the dragon?

Thematically, this means using the powers and principalities aligned with harm rather than benefit for all. So an example of this could be buying nursing homes and saying you'll improve these to make life better for all residents and stakeholders while actually just reducing care leading to you gaining more wealth while old people die. Another could be crypto rugpulls where you promise wealth to investors and get them excited but just scam them of their life savings. The problem with both approaches is that neither are truly using the dragon's power as they are not thoroughly cunning. One important element of the dragon is seemingly like the good guy--the snake is seen as reliable and wise and the earthly rulers (even nephilim) are admired.

So what are good ways to do this? I'm struggling with finding good paths as it seems like all of the good ideas have already been used / market saturated or been made illegal.