Is this really Jesus or something else

I am a psychic and I do readings for people, then I speak to Jesus which he does have a presence, and he gives me Bible versus but somehow I got stuck in the 2d and these spirit guides which were Jacob kept yelling at me to clean my room and Jesus yelled too, it was freaky because yes it took me some time but they wouldn't let me leave until I did so, making me believe they were gonna leave me down there. For years I always felt this presence that tried to obsorb my energy and they felt like that when I was down there. Then somehow my mind is subcounciously sending me back and I always ask them for pretection and so recently I somehow accidently killed Jesus in the spirit and I kept asking God that's not possible, because i'd somehow bring him back to life. Nobody can kill Jesus, all of this is starting to mess with my head and I feel crazy, I stopped doing readings because this is weird. Somebody please help me, any prophets that can see into the spirit can help me. Because when Jesus came back my mind came back, almost as if whatever this energy is is connected to me, for years there was this thing that tried to take from me and I never knew what it was, until I started doing readings I don't know what this is. I need help