Why is it that we as Christians can never agree on anything?

So many different interpretations of Scripture, so many different points of contention within the church/different denominations.

Is it once saved always saved? Is it pre/mid/post tribulation rapture? Does hell exist as a real eternal place? Are Catholics really Christian? Are Protestants really Christian? Is there real presence in communion or is it just meant for remembrance. Where do believers go right when they die? Is ____ a sin? How do I know if I’m truly saved? Will I go to hell if _____? Is it faith alone or faith +works? Sola scriptura? Do church traditions matter? Can you lose your salvation?

I’ve seen all of these questions and then some all over reddit. I’ve even asked a few myself. It’s just very unsettling that you get a different answer out of everyone and they never seem to agree. Sure we agree on some things, but when it comes to interpreting Scripture, everyone seems to have a different answer. How do I know which is truth?

Why can’t we all agree? It’s so disheartening.