25M California

Repost, wanted to give this one more go…

Hey everyone! My name is Nick. I'm 25, I'm from California and work in finance. I'm at a point in my life where I feel I'm ready to start a God honoring family.

A little about me: I became a born again christian when I was 19, but fully gave my life to Christ when I was 22 and I've been walking with Him since. I try my best to make prayer and Bible reading a daily discipline. In my free time I like taking care of myself, I'm into lifting weights, going on runs, and eating clean. I also love being outside in nature and enjoying God's creation.

What I'm looking for: Someone who has a genuine relationship with the Lord, who does their best to please Him in every aspect of their life and reads the Bible and prays on a consistent basis. I would also really prefer my wife to be a stay at home mom and homeschool our children. My preferred age range would probably be around 19-30. I'm not open to relocation as I'm pretty tied down where I'm at with my job and all my family living close by, but I would be open to long distance for a little bit.

Kind of a short intro lol, but if you're interested shoot me a DM and I'd love for us to get to know each other :)