High Fiber Snacks to Lower Cholesterol
Probably like a lot of us on here, I struggle with daily fiber intake. I mean, not even just to help with cholesterol but also for all the other benefits consuming fiber brings. I HATE drinking metamucil, it makes me want to gag - the flavor, the texture - it reminds me of orange juice with pulp, and I strongly dislike OJ.
So the other day I was shopping and found these Metamucil Crackers. Oh, they aren't new to the market or anything, just new to me. They are actually not bad! Good flavor, the texture isn't terrible and I cannot even tell I am eating Metamucil or fiber. Each packet has 2 crackers that have 5g of fiber. I've been eating 1 pack in the evening, after dinner, with a big glass of water, slowly working my way up to being able to eat 2 packets (Goal is to eat 1 packet at breakfast & one after dinner) of crackers BAM! 10g of the daily 30g recommendation will be met right there. That was easy.
What do you do to increase your daily fiber intake? Fiber can be boring, so any ideas you have to work more fiber (recipes, etc) lets hear em!