High fiber diet - dealing with flatulence
Well, it's kind of funny, but I'm also being serious about the question.
I'm doing a high fiber diet for about a month now, and I have to say, things are generally very good. I can really feel things moving in the digestion department, and my stomach also empties faster after each meal without getting hungry faster than usual. I also anticipated some cramping and indigestion, but there is none whatsoever.
There one... uh... kind of problem. I am passing a lot of gas.
A lot!
Most of the time there is hardly any smell, but the noise is abnoxious. There is also a problem when in public as I can't seem to predict anymore if I am going to let rip a loud one or a smelly one as to try and hold it in or not. There is no reprieve even at night. My dog doesn't want to sleep next to me on the bed anymore.
So how do you guys deal with the backdoor neighbor blasting the rusty trumpet all the time?