Ladies, tread this subreddit very carefully.

I have been an active participant of this sub for a long time and I have interacted with many people here. Since the sub wasn't popular a while back, there were genuine people on this sub. The sub is growing now and so is the reach of the sub to the people on reddit.

There is a particularly interesting phenomenon I have noticed happening around here, and that is the sub influencing people into giving the CF lifestyle "a thought". Completely harmless UNTIL these people make their way into cf4cf posts. Now the problem is a person who can this easily be swayed into making a life altering decision can be swayed out of it too pretty soon in near future. Please give time to the talking stage and pay close attention. There was a post a few days back about why is it important for someone to have a reason to be CF. I think this talking point is very important when you are talking about being CF for life as partners.

Take care and stay vigilant!