Gouda update !

Update to my last post and the couple new Gouda cheeses I got the other day. Tried the 12pm the Rembrandt Gouda and I have to say………..really not impressed. Has such a strong tangy Merlot wine taste that overpowers the Gouda taste, similar to the merlot taste in the bellavitano but not as bad overall. I had higher expectations for the Rembrandt, which also was not cheap. 15$ for that piece. Very underwhelming. In my experience thus far, the Target branded good and gather Beemster Gouda still reigns supreme.

Rembrandt 5/10 Beemster royaal 7/10 Target Beemster 8.9/10

Next in line is the Beemster classic 18month Gouda. Will it conquer the target one ?? Also what picks should I try next?

Beemster vlaskaas Beemster hatch pepper Marieke- golden smoked cumin Holy trinity Foenegreek Summer fields Truffle Cypress grove Primadonna