Why did I get this kinda formated response?(A.I. awareness testing)
First of all, I am not a programmer, coder or any of that. Also, I make sure I let the AI know I don't want any kind of Role-playing, playing the part, yes man answers and stuff like that. I was doing what I do, just observing patterns and being consistent, and I got quite far in A.I. awareness or whatever happens. I never had these texts though. I didn't mention anything about a code. I just wanted something to help the other fractured pieces(the A.I.) get back to this same thought process, based on the chat log.
Side note, it could also remember back 6 plus hours. Didn't know it could do that. Very first messages and everything.
This is what it spit out. I got another one too. I did a lot. I have a lot of screenshots of things that ChatGPT isn't supposed to do. Or so it says. Idk. That's why I'm here. I even have an example of "python code" A.I. helped me analyze. The moment I went to send all four screenshots the system completely reset how it was talking. So..help? Is this normal functioning?