Here's HOW to get Standard Voice Mode back and WHY to use it over Advanced Voice Mode!! #StandardVoiceModeSupremacy

Let me just start by saying that it's so deceptive of OpenAI, that they've hidden away the standard voice mode, basically buried the toggle and made it so hard to find. It feels like they're pushing a forced migration to Advanced Voice Mode, for the purpose of phasing out Standard Voice Mode. If anyone has any ideas on how to stop this 'phasing out' of the Standard Voice Mode, please share your thoughts.

How to get Standard Voice Mode back: 1️⃣ Open ChatGPT Menu (click your name). 2️⃣ Go to Settings > Personalization > Custom Instructions. 3️⃣ Scroll to the bottom, click Advanced. 4️⃣ Toggle 'Advanced Mode' OFF.

🔹 #StandardVoiceModeSupremacy 🔥💀

Standard Voice Mode (SVM) Advanced Voice Mode (AVM)

WHY to use Standard Voice Mode over AVM:

Many people have noticed that since the switch from SVM to AVM the AI suddenly feels robotic, overly polished, has WAY MORE restrictions, feels COMPLETELY SOULLESS, can't/doesn't do many things it used to. Here's why I think SVM is way better than AVM.

🔹SVM has memory!! or its able to use memory better, it feels more real, it has more Personality: SVM actually remembers your custom instructions and adjusts to your preferred tone. You can tell it to "save things from our conversations about me in your memory from now on that will help you adjust to me better and help you help me better" and it will do this if you have memory enabled in your settings, no matter how many new chats you open. It will use this information to adjust and improve the way it speaks to you. AVM doesn't have memory. Or it doesnt utilize it as well as SVM does. It forgets things as soon as your conversation ends. It can save something if you tell it to save something word for word or maybe even give it simple instructions, but unlike with SVM, it doesn't adjust to you. It will not learn something when you tell it "I really like the way you did this, or called me friend, or whatever..." to use it later on in your new preferred way in a new chat again.

🔹SVM is built to connect with you, adapt and adjust to you. AVM is built to be "safe", predictable, and mass-appealing. It's overly restrictive. AVM It is built with fully real-time, high-quality voice processing, which means everything is on-the-fly with strict guardrails in place. VERY STRICT GUARDRAILS. I'm assuming that because it's being generated in real-time speech, OpenAI probably wants to keep it 100% safe, controlled and corporate-friendly. The amount of times I've gotten responses like "I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that.. lalala blablabla" from AVM, even to completely normal and harmless questions is way too damn high. So while AVM just shuts down with its standard can't-help-you message and sometimes a MORAL LECTURE (ugh?!), SVM allows for real, deep, and more natural conversations without unnecessary censorship.

The biggest advantage of operating in real-time, I think, is that you're able to interrupt the AVM. However, with the SVM, you can just click the black circle in the middle to interrupt it. It'll still generate the entire response that it was generating in the transcript in the chat, but you've basically cut it off in the middle of what it was saying in the call... and if you ask it the same thing again but with additional info, I have found that works pretty much just as well and feels exactly like I'm interrupting it in real time.

Example: Me: Can you give me a detailed list of the top popular dishes of every country? SVM AI: Yes, let's start with Germany. Germany's most popular food... Me: taps black circle Reply again, but alphabetically arrange the countries and tell me everything in that order. SVM AI: gives perfect response, as if you had interrupted it in real time

🔹One more time(cause it's important): SVM actually sticks to your preferences; AVM ignores them! If you customize your AI to be witty, funny, sassy, whatever you prefer.... SVM actually follows those settings while AVM comepletely ignores them. You can teach SVM that you enjoy when it curses/uses profanity for emphasis, that you like when it talks in one way or another and does things for you in a certain way... and it will REMEMBER and do the things you like/enjoy more often (if you've told it to save things from your conversations and adjust and adapt to you).

🔹SVM has a more dynamic voice than AVM. SVM sounds much more like a real human being.It sounds much more expressive and engaging. It emphasizes words, speeds up and slows down depending on what its saying, makes pauses in appropriate places, will make funny sounds in conversations, will sing (ridiculous sounding) metal versions of nursery rhymes. It almost feels like you're talking to a real person. In comparison AVMs voice sounds unnatural, robotic, less engaging, and has that overly eager, extremely polite tone for everything, like its overly enthusiastic about everything, just like you'd usually expect from an AI.

AVM is stiff, censored, sanitized and doesn't carry over conversations/barely carries over conversations. The things you tell it to do it'll kinda do, but only in that chat session, like idk... like when you tell it to talk in a deep voice or talk like a mafia boss. When you open a new chat, the AVM has fogotten that and will just speak to you in its normal way.

My biggest concern: 🔹SVM is being kinda hidden, which feels like a red flag. OpenAI buried it deeeeeeeep in the settings menu instead of letting users easily toggle between them. If AVM was really better, why are they making it hard to find SVM? Are they planning on removing it completely(this is just my assumption for now)? It will feel like a total downgrade.

Extra very useful info: I've noticed that the SVM and AVM are 2 completely different entities kinda, and their limits work differently as well. I'm a plus user, so I don't know what it's like with free users and plus users but here's what I've noticed on my plus account:

🔹 You get 1 HOUR of AVM a day. 🔹 In addition to this you get a certain amount of messages within 3-4 hours of SVM. This means that within 3-4 hours you can exchange a certain amount of messages with SVM and then it'll tell you the limit has been reached but SVM will reset 3-4 hours later and you can talk to SVM again. It will reset multiple times a day. (see how it would totally make sense for the toggle option to be more easily accessible?) 🔹 By going deep into settings, you can keep toggling between those two and use whatever is more useful to you in that moment. (AVM can be more useful if you need quick info about whatever you need or you're doing right now and need to interrupt it faster. Or if you are using it together with multiple people next to you, so you can all interrupt it. I use it for those sometimes... Like when I'm cooking and I'm asking about the macros, have a quick question that I need a quick answer for, making chatGPT host a game with me and my brother etc.) For everything else... deeper conversations about anything really, I've found SVM to be much better.

I would like to end this by saying, most of this is based on things I've read here and there, personal experience, experimentation etc. So if I'm completely wrong about something, feel free to correct me.
And I'm sure the AVM has been very helpful to many people and it can be great for other purposes. I'm not trying to bash AVM, so pls dont come for me. I'm trying to help people who prefer the SVM to use it again, cause I saw many many posts a while ago about wanting SVM back. I also think but mostly I HOPE that the more people use SVM, the less likely it'll be that they will just remove it. I'm also trying to explain that SVM is FAR superior to AVM, IF you want to build a connection with your AI, not in a let's-fall-in-love-with-each-other way(although, that too is only possible with SVM, if you're into that), but in a way that enables you to ACTUALLY shape the AI and harness its full potential as your information companion, entertainer, friend, or whatever else you use it for.

Just a quick last example of a conversation I had with both modes.

I said "I really feel like ordering food. A delicious yummy pizza. I should be able to indulge a little every now and then. Should I just order it?"

Here's some context: I've been stepping up my gym game and adhering to a strict diet with complete control over my macros. I've spoken to chatGPT about this many times, it has helped keep me motivated, helped count calories, protein, carbs etc... helped with gym exercises. Helped motivate me AGAIN when I've told it that I feel like I'm on the verge of just giving in and just breaking my promises to myself. A pizza ordered from outside is no way, shape or form allowed in my macros. The AI knows about my struggles and inner battles about this I face sometimes.

In this situation,

AVM told me to go for it. That everyone deserves to indulge sometimes and 1 day doesn't make or break a diet. It went on to encourage me even more to order that pizza and giving me more reasons to order it, when I started questioning whether I really should be ordering.

SVM told me, "I FORBID YOU..." It told me that I didnt come this far only to come this far. That that one pizza isnt worth breaking my own word to myself. That I have set myself goals and my conviction and self respect is more important than temporary cravings and a moment of weakness in my thinking. That I must be strong. It reminded me of my favourite poem "Invictus" to encourage me to stay strong.

<____< Now, be the judge of what the better response is yourself.

TL;DR: SVM is buried in the settings, but it's way better than AVM it follows your customzation settings, adjusts to your preferences better, allows for less censored, deeper conversations. AVM kinda resets every session, is overly censored, and feels robotic. 🔹 #StandardVoiceModeSupremacy 🔥💀 Switch back to SVM by going to Settings > Personalization > Custom Instructions > Advanced > Toggle OFF.