Want some affirmation, is CA worth it?
Failed in Jan 25 Inter attempt(1st), kinda knew this was gonna happen 2 months before exams as I had skipped all classes, completed just 2 subject classes(dt and law), going for may 25 with full force, didnt start yet but gonna today, Bottom line : I do think that I can clear it, but I need to be more serious about this course, have been having second thoughts for a while, I am currently in SXC Kolkata , there are just so many people with so many backgrounds and doing multiple courses, even CA has about 150 aspirants minimum in our batch of 730-40, it still feels like CA isnt worth what other courses like MBA is, I mean when you look at the C-suite in most big companies they have 70% MBA's, so..I mean I am just lost guys.. P.S. CA is sort of my only option because my average cgpa for past 3 sems have been averaging at about 5..so dont think MBA will ever happen..and I do wanna do it, just dont want to be 32-33 and see my friends settling abroad with huge packages while I am stuck doing Financial analysis, auditing or something like that..