ICAI not responsible for your placements - Agree?
This post is from pov of avg person (not a ranker or super talented person). The title doesn’t reflect my opinion. I’m not against him; I just have a different perspective.
While the selection process is determined by companies, not ICAI, shouldn’t the institute enable its members to get selected? now people say this profession is not for employment but lack of better employment opportunities signals deeper issues i.e weak demand for profession.
ICAI has designed a course that demands strenuous effort, enforces absurd marking rules, give 100% focus, yet fails to ensure placements. isn't this a point to reflect upon? Instead of boasting, why not focus on fixing issues to meet demand (like updating the syllabus to match industry needs?)
On demand side, atleast a lot new roles available in field of finance & strategy and yet ICAI fails too make it's members selected.
There are much bigger supply side issues, What’s being put on the table is a pool of CAs who aren’t equipped to land jobs — where’s the support for that?
I’m not saying ICAI is solely responsible for placements, but it does play a role in the inefficiency either to represent better it's community or to equip them better for emerging roles
what do you think?
This post is from pov of avg person (not a ranker or super talented person). The title doesn’t reflect my opinion. I’m not against him; I just have a different perspective.
While the selection process is determined by companies, not ICAI, shouldn’t the institute enable its members to get selected? now people say this profession is not for employment but lack of better employment opportunities signals deeper issues i.e weak demand for profession.
ICAI has designed a course that demands strenuous effort, enforces absurd marking rules, give 100% focus, yet fails to ensure placements. isn't this a point to reflect upon? Instead of boasting, why not focus on fixing issues to meet demand (like updating the syllabus to match industry needs?)
On demand side, atleast a lot new roles available in field of finance & strategy and yet ICAI fails too make it's members selected.
There are much bigger supply side issues, What’s being put on the table is a pool of CAs who aren’t equipped to land jobs — where’s the support for that?
I’m not saying ICAI is solely responsible for placements, but it does play a role in the inefficiency either to represent better it's community or to equip them better for emerging roles
what do you think?