Is CA the right choice?

Life is messed up right now. I am spending hours on end in classes and coming back home I am so exhausted that all I can do is finish the work given to me and go to sleep. I work but that's affected because I have zero time to put into it and I am at a risk of losing my job and I can't afford to do that. Other students around me are so focused in classes while all I wanna do is just get done with them and go home. I don't know if I made the right decision taking up ca. I opted it for it because I had no idea what else I could do apart from this. I voiced my thoughts about this to my parents who were surprisingly supportive of it but they asked me what else can I do apart from ca and honestly I had no alternative for it and because of it I am stuck doing something that's completely draining the life out of me. I have no clue what to do. I don't want to pursue. CS, CFA and other such courses which I find the same way that I find CA.

any suggestions? Does life get better as you progress the ca lane or does it get worse? I don't want to lose myself in the process of pursuing something I am not even sure of.