Firefly VS Xfinity
Howdy all,
I just found out that Firefly is available in my area and looks about 20 bucks cheaper than my current plan with Xfinity.
Xfinity has a gig up and down for 108/month where firefly has it for 80/month.
Has anyone had any negative experiences with Firefly or comparisons between the two?
I know I've had my fair share with Xfinity including them blocking my home bought routers and not informing me to the fact that they were blacklisting my routers (causing me to spend 100s on three routers thinking it was an networking issue on my side)
Update: I switched to firefly and my Internet has never been better nor has it been this cheap since 2016 (for faster speeds mind you). If you're considering, do it! If you are on CVEC electrical they can hook you up (most likely)!