Ace Towing

Legal crooks. I'm going to try my best not to use the language I used on them last night (not my proudest moment).

$100 the moment they pick your car up to let it go. For what? So you can pocket it? Not to mention they only take cash and denied me a receipt. To pick up my car. So I can go Park. Where I fucking live. I'm livid. Beligirent, nasty, disgusting, bottom of the barrel staff. I can't imagine working for such a crooked organization just messing with people's livelihoods. Almost as bad as working for one of the many disgusting criminal apartment complexes in Charlottesville (looking at you Spark and Barracks).

I want to inconvenience them. I want to ruin their day. Everyday. Until I'm sick of it. Any tips would be great. Otherwise tell me about your god awful experiences with them.

You can find me listening to Rage Against the Machine's first record in the meantime.