My parents called after going no contact, advice?
So i posted recently, hopefully the link I added brings you to my original post, but as I am on the fence I decided to ask my fellow potatoe kings and queens on what to do.
As I outlined before I was basically a free loan office and labour for their house most of my life. It all got worse after I got job and they now demanded money from me in ways of gas money and such, always needing more than I ever thought they needed, but I was just a teen so how did I know what they needed. Obviously rhey did a lot of gaslighting, weaponized incompentence, lied, stole from me (i cant even add up how many items were taken from me and "lost") and now I am rebuilding a life with my husband after the last time they did these things. About 3 weeks ago, my mother reached out and informed me my stepfather was diagnosed with stage 2 lung cancer (i did not respond as they use illness to get me to talk to them frequently in the past)....but this last saturday one of them called my husbands phone.
My husband is respecting my wishes of wanting low to no contact after their most recent stunts that put us in the situation we are in now, but if my step father is sick with cancer or has passed I would like to know the truth....but I dont want that window of opportunity to be opened and my mental progress to be destroyed if its all a I guess I am asking for help and advice on what I should do here....