Daredevil's no kill rule is much better than Batman's

As you know Batman has a pretty infamous no kill rule, this rule prevents him from killing his villains (Gotta preserve the status quo!) even if they should be killed since they will kill hundreds if not stopped for good, although Batman Under the Red Hood discussed this very well. Now Daredevil also has a no kill rule, but I argue that it is better for several reasons: 1. Daredevil mainly battles organized crime (The non costumed variety) for the most part and he is a lawyer, so he realizes he just needs to find the right squealer and he will be able to take down dozens of criminals at once, killing them one by one would be much more time consuming, 2. He is Catholic and follows the Though Shalt Not Kill Commandment, the Commandments are very important for Catholics and breaking this Commandment in a non-emergency is a big sin (Although he does sleep around with many women, that breaks a Commandment), 3. He has killed in emergencies, like he purposely let Bullseye fall since he realized letting Bullseye live would cause many more to die (Bullseye survived but became a vegetable), he killed Larks (Who was holding a girl hostage), and Daredevil blew up an attack helicopter with the pilot still inside in Born Again since it was spewing bullets all around a populated neighborhood. In my opinion Daredevil is the prime example of how to do the no kill rule correctly, since he can justify it beyond just feelings like "I'll never come back", and that he knows when he has to cross the line for the benefit of others.

EDIT: I am a huge fan of Batman, and I know he doesn't kill for many good reasons (It's his character flaw), but I am also talking from a storytelling standpoint, like a more flexible no killing rule leads to some interesting decisions and can take the story to new places.