We can rant about hypothetical wasted potential, but what truly deserves our wrath is what THE STORY ITSELF INTRODUCES then wastes!
This is the ultimate way of toying with your audience. No one wants to be denied the carrot after it's waved in front of us.
We can definitely WISH a certain topic or plot point that wasn't introduced was, but we can't call the writing bad because what we wanna see may not be - I cannot emphasize this enough - the story the writer wanted to tell. I'm not gonna, for example, call it bad writing for the Lion Guard to not have Jasiri join at some point just because I'd have LOVED to see that!
HOWEVER, this isn't about that.
When the writer CHOOSES to introduce a GOLD topic or plot point and then does NOTHING with it, that is 100% on them, because then it becomes a payoff issue! If it doesn't end up mattering to them in the story they wanted to tell, they shouldn't have introduced it or lined it up the way they did!
I still feel cheated that Father burned with rage only to dip to eat rocky road instead of facing Grandfather with Numbuh 0!
Ok, ok, onto more serious examples:
1. Sonic Prime: Sonic Prime could've been so much more, especially with Sonic and Nine. When Nine turns on Sonic after realizing Sonic's plan was to restore his world instead of helping him build a new one, Nine says something CRAZILY INTERESTING!
"What did you think would happen to me when you brought your friends back?"
Oh wow, that's such an interesting question! No matter how you look at it, Sonic created life when he broke the Paradox Prism! He created new dimensions with their own sentient beings! Even if they're not......right, they're real. So yeah, if Sonic restores his world, what happens to everyone there? Do they not deserve to exist?
Even if it's that short, the show went out of its way to introduce this idea, but do they do shit with it? NO! No scenes of Sonic pondering this over or struggling with this idea, no nothing! He just says he's sure Nine will learn to love the old world too. Ok, why is Sonic so stupid? Did he not hear Nine? HE MIGHT NOT EXIST ANYMORE!
The show CHOSE to bring this up, and it's like they never even realized how valid of a question that is! They dedicate NO time to this idea!
2. Supernatural: Remember the whole, oh, I don't know, ANTICHRIST?! Little Jessie Turner from 5x06 is one of the most powerful characters we've ever seen. With a thought, he turned Castiel into a DOLL! Just like that! He didn't even realize he was doing it, but he was warping reality to the point where the brothers thought some godlike being was doing this on purpose! Turns out he's half-human, half-demon. The boys told him what he is and that it was his choice to fight or run, since he was pretty much unstoppable, but guess what happens? HE NEVER COMES UP AGAIN! Not even once!
Are. You. Fucking. Serious?!
That's one example that especially grinds my gears, but Supernatural has no shortage of shit like this. Amy's son telling Dean he'll kill him for murdering her in cold blood, Dean becoming a KNIGHT OF HELL, Heaven running out of angels and being on the verge of collapse, Gabriel's return, I can go on!
3. My Halfass Academia: Don't lie. You knew this would get mentioned one way or another. Unlike a previous rant on MHA I made, I won't discuss potentially interesting topics that could've been introduced but simply weren't. Again, this is a post about topics and plot points that a story goes out of its way to introduce only to just WASTE!
Let's see, Deku will do anything he can to save people, but he learns doing so may mean sometimes breaking the law because he's not licensed yet, and the fact that his friend and a pro would've been killed without him doesn't even factor in. Ok, what does he do with this information? What's gonna come from this? Oh, right, HE GETS LICENSED NEXT SEASON! This was something that clashed with Deku's whole deal of saving people consequences be damned, and what do they do with it? NOTHING! What was the damn point of introducing this as a potential obstacle if it literally never has any actual effect?!
Another massive waste was the bullying topic. Literally as soon as Deku starts interacting with his class, boom! This topic is focused fully on Bakugo! Remember when Deku was scared Bakugo would be in his class, then sighed with defeat at his bad luck? Or actually considered retorting after being told to kill himself? You know what that indicates? Distress, anger, and fear of his own classmate. Stuff that they introduced but did nothing with on Deku's part! And who's the only one who actually gets focus with this topic? JUST THE BULLY! Again, this was something the story chose to introduce, only to totally waste! Deku's so passive in this plot line even though it was such a lengthy part of his life, and if the OPENING CHAPTER is any indication, it was an awful one!
Imagine if Chimchar didn't give Paul a second thought after the episode where he bawls to pieces and hugs Ash, because that gives me a similar vibe here! But in what actually happened, to say Paul still affected him even after that, that their past mattered in Chimchar's story, is an UNDERSTATEMENT!
4. Gravity Falls: Sorry, but this show's not safe either.
Look at Mabel's big mistake. I do NOT blame her for starting Weirdmageddon! She had NO idea she was talking to Bill! Bill's a demon, and demons target people in moments of weakness. BUT the fact is the show CHOSE to make Mabel have the role in it that she did, and they do......NOTHING with it! She's the same happy, silly girl she always was, and no one ever learns HOW this all started! This would be like if Anne and Sasha never learned Marcy planned for them to get stuck in Amphibia! They introduced this plot point that could've led to such DRAMATIC conversations and great character moments but they don't do anything with this!
A story has a responsibility to follow through on important, interesting stuff that THEY choose to put in! Otherwise, it's just toying with the audience!