The Titanic is the most glazed piece of crap in cinematic history

Hi. I just finished watching the Titanic for the first time. I heard so much praise for this movie, I thought I was putting on a masterpiece. Turns out, the most watched movie in history is a load of horseshit.

Soundtrack -the soundtrack is amazing. Absolutely breathtaking. One of the better ones I've heard. Every music is a piece of art, and it was by far the highlight of the movie.

Cinematography -no problems here either. Great camera work, lightning, composition and transitions.

Plot -oh baby. Let's start with the most important scene in the film, the beginning. What is the set up to this supposed masterpiece? It must be flawless! No. Apparently this specific woman who was on the Titanic lived to 101 by pure luck, and just happened to catch a few words of the broadcast. The flashback paet is nonsensical.

But let's not treat it as a flashback! Let's see how an impoverished folk like Jack could land a spot on the Titanic. So they're playing poker? Okay... And Jack's opponents raises him by the docking tickets. Here's the problem. Jack can't match the value of the tickets! That would mean they would be a part of the side pot, and won by the second place. Oh, Jack won? So he shouldn't have the damm tickets!

The set up is idiotic at worst and flimsy at best.

Characters- I see a lot of praise for Rose's character. So Feministic! Such an independent woman! I want you to rewatch the movie, and find me one scene where Rose acted on her own, not for a guy or under instructions. There's none. The whole movie. I looked.

And Jack! Such a wonderful protagonist, Jack. It's truly a shame that the only thing he does throughout the film is steals a man's fiance.