i wish more villains were smart about interrogation
So, you know when a bad guy captures one of the good guys and they ominously say "we have ways of making you talk", preceding either on-screen or implied torture? Well, I wish we had more cases of the captor telling the captive "we have ways of making you talk" and then transitioning to a scene of the two just hanging out. In part because it would be a kinda funny subversion, but also because evidence actually suggests that rapport-building is a much more effective interrogation technique than torture, and there's piles and piles of evidence that show torture is lousy at providing actionable intel. It would also be an interesting way of introducing an arc where one of the heroes changes sides, instead of doing that through brainwashing or mind control or whatever. I understand torture is usually used as more of a characterisation thing for villains, a way to show how cruel and evil they are, but personally I'm a sucker for smart villains, so I wish we got to see more examples of bad guys don't let their villainy cloud their intelligence in this regard.