Powerful characters who get beat on all the time are annoying

Okay so I have no problems with a character,particularly a main character losing alot of fights. My problem comes in when these characters are supposed to be strong and stomp most of the opposition.

My two main examples are Mark from invincible and Korra TLOK..... With Mark him always holding back is annoying,it's even more annoying when his little brother seems to have more hair on his chest.

He doesn't have to go around killing every villain but come on he shouldn't be giving angstrom time to even blink before he puts him in the ground. Also no matter how strong he gets he's still always having a hard time with villains like dr seismic. Then you have fans saying wait till the next arc he will pop off lmao that gets old real quick.

With Korra she was an all powerful avatar she gets her ass handed to her by the first chi blockers we see. And even the fight with vatuu she should have easily taken him out and prevented the whole situation from escalating.

It's especially annoying that the writers nerf her every which way before a fight just so we can claim her antagonists are stronger like get out of here with that. On top of that Korra fans glaze her like she's the best talking about how powerful she was when we saw lose every major fight till some help got in it gets annoying. I like the show but I am still baffled by the creators decisions to portray like she was a great avatar she wasn't.

Fans will claim you don't have media literacy if you voice these complaints, idc I just wanted yo see these characters lock in for once like goddammit let them have their time in the sun.