The criticisms regarding Invincible's animation are just bad and here's why

I think one of the biggest problems that I noticed is that alot of fans don't seem to understand that animation and comics are a completely different medium altogether. There are both advantages and disadvantages in both mediums. Animations are moving images ,but the issue is that the artists have to spend more time drawing many different still images to convey a moving scene fluidly. Comics are just that still images which allows the artists to spend more time having a detailed illustration of a certain scene or characters. It’s really up for the reader’s imagination to interpret the scene and sometimes they have to double check to make sense of those scenes. So no having a 1:1 recreation of every single panel in the original comic of Invincible wouldn’t have worked and would have made the release timeline between each season far longer which would have pissed off a lot of people regardless. Also alot of people would probably have bitch and moan that the characters were given big and prominent lips for the animated show even though it’s accurate to the character designs of the later comics.

Also the way people keep bringing up Arcane and X-Men 97 as proof that good animation is still possible just don’t seem to get it? Like first of all Arcane is a 2 season series that literally had a 3 year wait period between each seasons. Both shows aren’t even fully 2D animated either unlike Invincible. Both shows are 3D animated shows that rely on 2D visual imagery. For alot of movies and shows lately they heavily rely on 3D animation because it’s cheaper and easier than 3D animation which is why Disney only ever seems to release 3D movies and shows. It’s an obvious shortcut to an obviously time consuming and costly way of producing animated content. Unless if you want to turn animators into sweat shop workers working 24 hours with 1 hour of sleep like what happened to those MAPPA artists.

The biggest issues that I found is that alot of the disconnect stems from what the show is going for and what the viewer wants. The show is obviously trying to stay accurate to the original illustrations of the first issues produced by Robert Kirkman. The original first illustrations by Robert Kirkman have this clean and polished saturated look to it that’s only contrasted by the darker themes of the comics. Alot of the fan edits like on Youtube just missed the point by turning the show into a damn MAPPA anime by adding a bunch of unnecessary shadows all over the place. The fan edits are just downright terrible and it felt like they were produced by Zack Synder by how dark and edgy it is. There was even a scene of Mark introducing his blue outfit and the Youtuber decided to make the scene incredibly dark and serious for no apparent reason other than they felt like it needed to be edited. I just feel like alot of the criticisms of Invincible’s animated are just an indirect attack on the original comics that the show is based on.

Therer are constructive criticisms to be made regarding Invincible's animation such as the use of PNG on certain scenes and lack of consistency in animation overall. The show being clean or polished and overly saturated that's only contrasted by its darker themes isn't one of them.