Downfall of Nami's fit [ONE PIECE]

Nami's outfits has hit a bottom rock in terms of creativity. In the past two arcs, her outfits have become ridiculously revealing, especially considering she despises perverts.

In Elbaf, she’s wearing even less than Franky, which is honestly baffling. At this rate, I could predict her outfits for the next five arcs: just panties and the shortest skirt imaginable, with no sign of proper undergarments like those Franky or Hajrudin wear. If this path continues, it’s almost like she’ll end up walking around naked and it's not me being harsh on Oda at all

In the past, I didn't mind Nami wearing revealing outfits because she’s always been a type to enjoy wearing something revealing but with Egghead and Elbaf this has gone way too far from just "revealing".

What makes this even worse is the complete disregard for consistency in her characterization. She’s now wearing the exact same outfit that Road (SAer) forced on her, despite the fact that she canonically despises him.

In Thriller Bark, she immediately changed out of the wedding dress that Absalom put her in, freshening up with new clothes, but now?

She hasn’t even acknowledged the fact that she’s still wearing what Road gave her, despite seeing Gerd provide the other Straw Hats with new outfits. There’s no dialogue, no reaction, nothing. It’s as if Oda has completely stripped away her agency in favor of cheap fan service.

This is more frustrating because to me because I consider Nami to be very well written, yet these outfits reduce her to mere eye candy. I know that’s far from the truth, but when her design is handled like this, it’s hard not to feel like that’s the intended effect.

Meanwhile, the rest of the crew gets unique, interesting outfits in Elbaf, so why is she the exception? It feels like Oda is sacrificing her agency for the sake of easy sales, and honestly, it’s just disappointing.

From now, if you are a Nami fan then just don't hope anything creative from Oda as he will only disappoint you if you aren't a gooner so either be a gooner or just give up for anything interesting with her design.