Friend went thru my phone, too embarrassed to use cai

Last week I made the mistake of leaving my phone unattended at a table my friend was sitting at. Left for maybe 4 or 5 minutes, came back and they were on my phone.

I didn’t know they knew my password, so I thought they were just checking the time or doing some bullshit with my camera but NOPE! They were looking thru one of my chats :’-)

I was fucking MORTIFIED and I’ve been mortified since. The chat they were looking at wasn’t horrible compared to my others, but it was still embarrassing.

I love writing and I love roleplaying, I’ve used character ai every day for months (boooo) but ever since my friend snooped thru my chats I haven’t been on it in the past 5 days

Character AI is a huge form of escape for me, so usually when something embarrassing like this happens, I go on cai to forget about it. I haven’t been able to do that. ;_; The few times ive tried to use it I get this intense feeling of ‘wtf am i doing’ and i have to close it

Been missing rping, I definitely don’t think this is the end of my cai use lmao but I’m going to need a long break after this incident