Met someone from reddit.

Its a very boring, not so well written account of how I met someone from reddit. So reading it may feel like waste or time. :)

A random night, 1am, I see a post of someone asking for some suggestion of something.(trying to be vague for anonimity) I DMed her giving her info on that subject. And in reply I got something rlly off topic - Hey, ya I just asked a random question because Im anxious because of some guy who ghosted me. (with alot more energy and emojis). I tried to understand the situation and during that she narrated the whole story ab what happened. It was fun, because the convo kept going here and there to different topics about life and all. Also we vibed really well.

1-2 hrs later she shared a random pic of some road 'Look its kinda foggy'. And it looked like a place close to my home. I told her that shes kinda close to my home. And she laughed. Convo went ahead. A few moments later she sent me a google map route to the location of a friend shes visiting. And.... it looked like that random friend lives in same society as mine. (He didnt)

I zoomed in, and saw that her friend's home was rlly close to my society. I told her ab the same. She was with someone so we talked about how it'd be so fun to wave at someone I just met on reddit in the middle of the night. But by then she was already at her friends house. So we had to skip it.

Next day she was too busy to meet. But we kept talking ab random stuff. And I come to know that shes basically from HP, and only here for a day or two.

Day 3 she tells me its her last day here and she has to go shopping before she leaves for HP. I was like ok, ill just meet u when im in HP. But due to some reasons her shopping plans got cancelled. Aaand I asked - 'What if we go to Chandigarh, just to find this guy who ghosted her?' It was a crazy idea. Like she only knew ab his gym and the sector he lived in the car he own etc. But, she was like 'are you serious? are we really doing it?'. And I was like 'yea less goooo'. So we got ready. And started thinking rationally lol. It was almost 5 and not a good time to roam around looking for a stranger.

So we just ended up meeting for li'l snack meetup. Had two pizzas. It was fun meeting someone random you just met like a day ago. And it really felt like we know each other from ages.
