
There are 2 fakesaw men and Isume in the new one

I’m not the best at explaining so here’s my points

1) Isume was originally used as a red herring for the identity of fakesaw man, I know people get mad when it come to the idea of “EVERYTHING WAS FORESHADOWED” mentality but hey it would be cool if it was repurposed from a red herring into foreshadowing

2) Isume is a massive fan of chainsaw man so much he got surgery to have a fake cord

3) he was in direct contact with fami and a figure that we can assume was the real fakesaw man (could have also been barem). But ever way it means he’s in Close contact with the fire devil posing as the justice devil even if he doesn’t know it.

4) he saw denji (chainsaw man=his idol) break down and show just how human chainsaw man is and so would probably wants to replace denji as chainsaw man as a way to save him from the pain of being chainsaw man, in a way forcing denji to live a normal life whilst he takes on the struggle of chainsaw man

5) he’s been completely useless the entire story

He failed to do anything in the aquarium

He has no known contract

He over heard denji telling Asa that if they go to his apartment you may die yet he did nothing to step in.

He wasn’t present for the entire falling devil arc

He was being manipulated by the church leading to the deaths of thousands

He did nothing in saving denji from the prison

He never stepped in to aid denji when he was being attacked by katana and yoru (ball kicks)

He didn’t try to speak with denji during the train only responding to denji harshly about him not masterbaiting in a while causing his depression

He never stood in to aid denji during his mental breakdown

He did nothing in stopping denji from being assaulted (even if he only heard yoru say that she would cut of his dick, he still did nothing )

He did nothing in helping his hero instead screamed during the sushi incident (though realistically that’s more excusable)

He was captured by public safety and is being used as a hostage

It would make sense that he would now want to ‘save’ Denji as he’s been completely useless the entire time and would want to serve a purpose (linking back to denjis themes of finding his purpose)

6) there’s a theory that the fake saw man in 196 is one made by public safety and that’s why they where dissecting Denji

So if they are so weak currently and are willing to “trust” fami with key parts of their plan then it would make sense that they’d turn to the justice devil (fire devil) for power

And since he was in the church and had a strong connection to chainsaw man and had a sense of justice like Yuko did he would be chosen to make a contract with the “justice devil” to become chainsaw man

7) this would be similar to yukos story, and fit with the start and end of the story/part being the same (same setting and build)

Yuko was alone and turned to what she thought was the justice devil for power to “save” Asa (her idol) from her bullies

Isume is now alone and a failure that’s believes he’s responsible for the deaths of thousands and not stepping in to “save” HIS idol so after seeing what his idol truly is, when met with the opportunity to “save” Denji as chainsaw man and take on the burdens

Both of them have a selfish and self imposed sense of JUSTICE that they say is to “save” their idol (Asa and Denji)

8) 196 fakesaw man clearly has designed elements that are shared by all of the people with contracts with the fire devil (Yuko and head of the church)

9) if the pseudo chainsaw men resemble denjis half transformation (leach devil fight) and are the opposite from denji

(denji was completely willing to transform whilst pseudo chainsaw men where completely innocent and didn’t want to turn)

Fake saw man seen in early part 2 represents normal transformed Denji

(And is the opposite in build (bulky and large) and seems to have no handle bars symbolising that he’s not under anyone’s control unlike denji)

Then Isume represents an opposite of full black chainsaw man

(Opposite in how 196 chainsaw man is all white flesh and bone and a super hero type whilst pochita is cold and covered in black armour)

10) early part 2 fakesaw man is clearly more human (again more like denjis normal transformation) compared to 196 fakesaw man and is more cold and serious compared to the extravagant 196 fakesaw man

11) i want a chainsaw man three way battle

Sorry if it’s not the best and if you want me to clarify and discuss fakesaw man then please comment