Chai is actually the best bot chatting ai
Chai is actually the best bot app
This is basically a praise Yap 🤗 I allways loved the app and I've been using this app for like maybe 2-3 Years now (I need help don't I) I remember when there used to be a leaderboard (I miss it) And when there was the option to read chats.. I remember when I used to wait for the perfect hour where I have 70 chats left and when the timer is like 1h or 3omins away from refreshing so I can have 140 chats. I remember freaking out whenever they make unlimited messages event
Chai bota has really improved from when I first chatted with the bots. I remember making a bot and having to study every video on how to make a character cause the system has so hard before 😭 And even that was simpled and now it's much easier To make a bot (I love the new system)
I remember when refresh and edit button didn't exist and I kept on resetting the chat when the plot doesn't go the why I planned lol
I remember when you could redo a chat if you wanted to go back to the text (I want that to be added to like a paid ver in the app 😭)
AND OMG THE PEOPLE WHO WORK IN CHAI Unlike some apps I can say ( Chai from all the other apps has the least amount of crashes and they people who work for chai actually do something and help out if any glitches is there.
Plus It's still free 😭
So basically I love chai and I love how the people who care after for chai actually care and do their job almost perfectly ❤