Annoying guy nga "student" at IT Park
Its common raman jud nga naay students nga mag side hustle mamaligya ug butang2 to people in public noh. Kasabot rajud ko ana.
But this guy really annoyed me. Kaduha jud ko naduolan aning tawhana.
A few weeks ago, gatambay mi near sa sugbo mercado nga grass area, specifically dapit sa pyramid. Ubay2 pud ang mga tao but medj mingaw didto nga area. It was almost midnight na pud. All of a sudden, this guy approached us, complimented my partner and introduced himself as a student nga naa untay ibaligya sa amoa, probably food or stuff like that. (P.s. dugay kaysiya ga flowery words before siya ga introduce sa iya self, weird). Pero since pauli na pud mi and di mi interested, we said no in a polite way.
After we rejected him, his face turned visibly upset. Like doh, creepy kaayo naguba iyang nawng and he stared at us for idk how many seconds toh. Galingkod mi sa grass ato ha, and he was in front of us gabarog, so it felt v intimidating. Unsa palay buhaton niya nya wa pami kabarug dayun.
We said no for the second time and he stomped his feet, rolled his eyes and turned his back on us, "way klaro ninyo oi". ??? Wtf bro ?? Mao to gisapot nuon ko padung uli and felt kinda scared for us kay as in creepy kaayo iya approach.
The second time I met him was last Wednesday, sa little tea. Nisaka siya sa second floor area and nikalit ug greet sa amo table (naay cake sa tunga). "Kinsay ga bday? Hala happy birthday sir!" and sang him a song bisan di mi kaila HAHDHA (hilom pajud ang cafe ato so nakapang lingi tawn ang mga tao). He complimented my partner again (i dont think he remembers us), and greeted my friend. Then nag start na siyag introduce sa iyang self and his baligya, pero we rejected him. Gi attitude nasad mi wtf jud HAHSHW and transferred to the next table. The same thing happened, and he said "ah batia ani diri oi".
Next table napud siya, and ang iya naduolan kay girl ga walay kauban. Gi reject pud ngali and guess what he did; nag hilak2 siya didto tunga2 sa cafe (in a mocking way). Saba kaayo and v annoying, uncomfy napud ang mga tao around niya. Wa jud niya undangi ang girl.
We decided to leave kay samok jud kaysiya and lagi, kibalo namis iyang style.
Yun lang, unta way mupatol ani iyang baligya kay super rude and annoying kaayo siya. Mamaligya man unta pero siya pay hilas kaayo sa iya baligyaan.