Fell on my side today (16 weeks pregnant)
(For context, I am in Australia)
I am currently 16 weeks pregnant. I was holding my 2 year old daughter’s hand at the shops this morning. She tripped over and pulled me down with her. I landed on my hip and elbow and there was no impact at all to my stomach but it was a pretty hard fall and my hip still feels a bit bruised, 10 hours later.
I have spoken to 3 different nurses (including a midwife from the pregnancy assessment unit at the hospital) on the phone who all said if there is no cramping, bleeding or leaking of clear discharge, then everything is fine and to just keep monitoring. I went to three different medical centers who all said they didn’t have a Doppler or any imaging equipment but I could speak to the doctor if I wanted to who would just tell me the same thing that all the other nurses said. My only other option would be to present to the emergency department and potentially wait many, many hours to be seen.
I had a miscarriage in August last year so I know I’m extra anxious with anything pregnancy related. I guess I just want to know if I should go and be seen by someone or take the advice of everyone I have spoken to and just monitor my symptoms?