Catechumen undecided on upcoming baptism

Hi everyone, I’m a catechumen based in Asia who has been attending RCIA since June. Also just participated in the rite of elections a week ago. Baptism is coming soon on the 19th of April.

The main reason why I’m on the fence about baptism is because of the mode of baptism rather than about becoming a Catholic. I really do look forward to become a Catholic.. I’m a sinner who needs God’s grace.

At the church where I’m attending RCIA, baptism is done by head pouring only. Most churches in my country do it by head pouring as well, except for a few that does it by immersion (they have in-built baptism pool). I spoke to the priest and asked if it can be done by immersion, and he said no. Mainly because the church lacks an in-built baptism pool.

I totally understand that head pouring is valid. It’s just personal preference that I want to be baptized by immersion. Since baptism is a one time thing only, I wouldn’t want to have any regrets doing it by head pouring.

On the other hand, if I want to go with immersion at another church that does baptism by immersion, I have to repeat another round of RCIA.. which means another 10 months again.

I’m still undecided.. anyone of you had the same experience? Any thoughts?